I hope everyone is enjoying spring! My allergies haven’t kicked in yet, so that makes me happy. Plus, there are all these birds and butterflies and flowers out there to enjoy. Aah, spring in the Pacific Northwest…
I’ll be playing twice in Portland this month. The first is at the Alberta St Pub on Saturday May 16th – it’s the 10th Annual Bob Dylan Tribute show, and I’ll be singing 3 songs that night. There is a $5 cover.
On Tuesday May 19th, I’ll be opening for Abby Posner at the Waypost. Abby is a singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, and all-around talented musician from LA, and I’m looking forward to playing and then sticking around for her set! She’s doing a west coast tour this month, so don’t miss her only Portland date. Check out Abby’s website to listen to some tunes, and put May 19th on your calendar!
Check my calendar page for all of my upcoming shows…. hope to see you soon!